Weddings & Married Life
Weddings & Married Life (Page): It is undoubtable that marriage is of central importance in the life of all Christians. The earliest stories of creation recount the conjugal union of Adam and Eve (Gen 2:23-24). The first of the public signs of Jesus, in Galilee, was the miracle of the water to wine at a wedding feast (Jn 2:11). Indeed, marriage is one of the key biblical metaphors used to describe the covenant relationship between God and his people (e.g. – Hos 2:16–22; Is 54:5–6; 62:5; Ez 16:6–14).
Remote preparation for marriage begins at Baptism and continues with the holiness of one’s own life. Proximate preparation however, for those engaged to be married, is guided by the ‘Fully Engaged’ marriage prep program. Fully Engaged was created here in the Diocese of Saint Cloud. It is a Catholic catechetical premarital inventory, grounded in Church teaching, designed to help engaged couples solidify the foundation upon which they, together with Christ, will build their Sacrament of Marriage.
To be married at one of our Five Star ACC churches, one or both persons of the engaged couple must be a practicing Catholic and registered (or have parents who are registered) at our parish for at least six months. Both the bride and the groom must be free to marry in the Catholic Church. Marriage preparation should begin at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date and must be completed at least three months prior to your wedding date.
To schedule a wedding and begin marriage preparation, please contact the office of the church where you intend to be married, and schedule a meeting with a priest or our marriage-prep coordinator, Deacon Jim Schulzetenberg. Want to know a little bit about the process? Check out this step-by-step guide provided through the Diocese of Saint Cloud.